Use our virtual or in-class sun safety presentations, related lesson plans, or activities and games to further your students’ learning about sun safety. 

Sun Safety Presentation

Use a longer, more interactive version for in-class learning, or a shorter version for online learning where interaction is limited or not possible.

Lesson Plans

These lesson plans are geared towards Grades 5 and 6 students. Use them at your own discretion for grades slightly younger or older. They are curriculum-linked to Grades 5 and 6 Programs of Study in Alberta.

Shade Mapping
Measuring Our Sun Safety Habits
Shade Games
Sun Safe Fashion
Sun Safety Charades

Activities and Games

Sun Safety Fortune Teller Activity
UV Beads Science Experiment

Sun Safe Animals     Activity

Posters and Brochures

ABCD’s of Early Detection
Wear Sunscreen Poster
Wear Enough Sunscreen
WHO Warning Poster
Self Examination Poster
Sun Safety Brochure